Barbara Raimondo
Barbara is a ceramic artist, working and living in Hong Kong.
Barbara was born and grew up in a small region in Italy, Liguria, a half moon of land set between the Mediterranean sea and the beautiful Appenino Ligure mountains.
She spent her childhood between layers..., layers of soil, the terraces, where her grandpa used to cultivate olive trees and vineyards, and layers of history defined by her home town, founded in the 4th century BC. Layers of memories, layers of sentiments, layers of life, one on top of the other are infused in her pieces.
Her works are inspired by her roots and by the beauty left by the history of the places where she grew up and lived.
Hong Kong: Tai Kwun, ‘East meets West’. Group Show. December 2021
Milan: Milan Design Week, ‘1000vases’. Group Show. September 2021
Hong Kong: Contemporary Crafts Centre, ‘Layers’. Solo Show. August 2021
Total Products: (4)