Lucy Parris first moved to HK as a child in 1980 and since then has lived here periodically her whole life, most recently returning in 2021. She originally trained in the UK as a graphic designer and worked in children’s publishing, this developed an appreciation of colour and a sense of fun in her work. She later studied print at the London College of Printmaking and discovered a love for linocut. Her passion for printmaking led her to take an Ma Fine art in 2018 and then to work across all printmaking mediums as a support technician in the City of Birmingham University print studio before relocating to HK.
She has always loved to explore Hong Kong, and has sketched it since she was a child, she is particularly drawn to the older architecture and loves to depict the often overlooked, quirkier buildings, as well as the better known more iconic locations that epitomise this amazing, ever changing city. Working in watercolour she paints on location around the city then develops the sketches and works in Reduction Linocut, a method where one piece of lino is cut multiple times to create several layers, one for each colour. All her work is hand printed by herself in her studio and therefore is made in very small editions.
Lucy has exhibited in Hong Kong and the UK and participated in international print exchanges and touring exhibitions, most recently with the International Printmaking Symposium ‘IMPACT 11’.
She also loves to teach drawing, painting and printmaking and she runs workshops on a regular basis.
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